
Too Quick a Return for Britney?

The former manager for Britney Spears thinks that the singer’s return to the spotlight is a bit premature.

Britney Spears’ ex-manager, Johnny Wright, was interviewed by OK! magazine, and mentioned a few of his thoughts on the singer.

According to Wright, the star’s return is a bit hasty. He stated, "A comeback is not what I wish for Britney. What I wish for her is to settle down and find real happiness. All her essential relationships have been torn apart. She’s been divorced twice, she doesn’t have custody of her kids, she’s being pushed back into being a money machine."

Wright hopes that Spears is happy and returns to music because she really wants to, and not because she was forced into it by those close to her.

"Her career can wait. Now it should be about spending time with her kids," added Wright. With Spears’ tour, the singer risks spending a lot of time far from her kids, and in Wright’s opinion, she will miss out on precious moments that she can never get back.