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Top ten things to do in Paris

Ten stops that should be included on your itinerary.

As the capital of France, Paris is a city everyone should see at least once in their lives. Guidebook publisher Lonely Planet offers ten tips and highlights to get the most out of your visit.

Over 250 million people have made the trek up the Eiffel Tower, but most climb the famous landmark during the day. If you want breathtaking 360-degree panorama views and fewer crowds, try making the ascent after dark, and you’ll learn why the place is called ‘the City of Lights.’

Of course, you have to see the Louvre, but don’t forget the Musee d’Orsay, home of the national collection of Impressionist, Post-impressionist and Art Nouveau work; just be sure to plan ahead and purchase your tickets online to avoid long line-ups and delays.

Also recommended are the beautiful Jardin du Luxembourg, where you can mingle with local Parisians; the street markets that give the booming metropolis a small-town feel; the Mosquee de Paris, with its beautiful courtyards and massive Arabic library; and the famous English-language bookshop Shakespeare & Co, where Gertrude Stein’s "Lost Generation" would gather.

For a peaceful afternoon off the beaten track, there’s the quiet and quaint island community of Île St Louis, so removed from the hustle and bustle of the busy Paris streets; the Promenade Plantee, a converted viaduct planted with lavender, rose bushes, maples and cherry trees; or the 48-hectare cemetery, the Cimetiere di Pere Lachaise, where Chopin, Molière, Balzac, Seurat and Jim Morrison are among the celebrity residents.