Nouvelles quotidiennes

Travellers worry more about viruses than terrorists

The H1N1 virus is more worrisome than Osama Bin Laden.

Despite the spectacular attacks on September 11, 2001 against the twin towers of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a fourth never-reached target, terrorist attacks do not preoccupy most travellers these days. Another invisible enemy has proven to be more insidious and causes more worry for tourists.

A survey was conducted by Skyscanner among 300 international travelers. Results show travellers will wait longer before entering a country that has experienced an epidemic than a country where terrorist attacks have occurred.

31% of tourists prefer to wait a bit longer before heading to a country that has been hit by a virus compared to 21% who refrain from visiting a destination that has been the victim of a terrorist attack in the last 3 months. In the case of urban violence, 20% of travellers admit that it is the main reason for their fear of visiting a particular country, while a natural disaster repels 17% of travellers surveyed.

Regarding the length of time that a tourist wants to wait before travelling to an affected country, the waiting time is 12 months in the case of an outbreak and only three months in the case of a terrorist attack.