
Treating cancerous tumors from the inside

A new implant treatment for cancer shows promising results.

Israeli researchers from the University of Tel Aviv have developed a new way to combat cancer with a radioactive implant, as thin as a needle, which emits short-range alpha radiation from inside the tumor.

Unlike radiotherapy, which bombards the exterior of the tumor with gamma rays, the implant allows alpha particles to circulate inside the tumor and spread outwards before disintegrating.

The implant is inserted with a hypodermic needle and disintegrates without causing side effects.

“It’s like a cluster bomb. Instead of one explosion, the atoms continuously disperse and emit alpha particles at greater distances. Not only is the destruction of cancer cells more certain, but in most cases, the body develops immunity against the tumor’s return,” the authors explained.

With plans to conduct clinical trials in the near future, the first tests on mice have shown promising results with various cancers, including lung, pancreas, colon, breast, and brain cancer.