
Twilight Sequel Script Found in Garbage

The script for the next Twilight film was found in the trash.

A St. Louis beauty salon owner, Casey Ray, had the surprise of her life when she found the script for the next film in the Twilight series in the garbage.

Casey Ray found two scripts in the garbage at the St. Louis hotel where actors are currently filming the movie Up in the Air with George Clooney. One script was the New Moon screenplay, based on the second book in the Twilight series, and the other was a script for a new movie entitled Memoirs.

The woman, who was thinking about selling the stories to a tabloid, decided to return the documents to the Summit studios.

Anna Kendrick, who played Jessica in the first Twilight, was one of the actors staying in the hotel, but her representative, Lisa Perkins, confirmed that the actress never threw out the documents.