
Two-day diet is a good start

Following a strict diet two days a week reduces cancer-causing hormones by 40 per cent.


British researchers say women at high risk of cancer, who follow a low-calorie diet two days a week, cut the percentage of cancer-causing hormones almost in half.
Having examined 100 overweight women, the researchers asked half to eat 650 calories for two days a week while the rest of the week they ate whatever they wanted. The other half of the women adopted the Mediterranean diet.
In both groups, the presence of a cancer-causing hormone, leptin, was significantly reduced after six months. Those who were on the strict diet twice a week saw the hormone level drop by 40 per cent, while women who followed the Mediterranean diet, had a leptin level reduced by 36%.
Moreover, in both groups, insulin levels dropped by 25 per cent, and inflammatory proteins went up 15 per cent, says a report published in the International Journal of Obesity.
This method may be an alternative for those who won’t or can’t follow a diet seven days a week. In addition to reducing risk of cancer, it can also help them lose weight.