
Two Door Cinema Club’s hip hop influence

Two Door Cinema club’s second album is influenced by hip-hop artists such as Kanye West, Jay-Z and Drake.

Two Door Cinema Club’s second album is influenced by hip-hop artists.

The ‘I Can Talk’ group – Alex Trimble, Kevin Baird and Sam Halliday – are living and working in Glasgow on the follow up to debut ‘Tourist History’, and claim it will see them move away from the pop and rock that influenced their first record.

Singer Alex said: "All of us have been listening to quite a lot of hip-hop, the last year or so Sam’s been really into Kanye West and Jay-Z and Drake.

"He’s been playing it around the house so it gets in your head, and that has come out in the music."

While the records have influenced the band’s sound, Sam said they won’t be taking things as far as adding any raps in them.

He added to NME magazine: "The hip-hop stuff is mostly in the drumbeats and basslines, and when you put Sam’s guitar playing and me singing on top of that it becomes a Two Door hip-hop song rather than any other kind. Little Pieces of everything are filtering their way in.

"Some songs are more poppy, some are more rock orientated where there’s more guitars, and some where there are no guitars."

Two Door Cinema club’s as-yet-untitled second album is expected to be released in the Summer.