
Uma Thurman and Jessica Biel soccer moms?

Gerard Butler coaches children’s sports team inPlaying the Field.

Uma Thurman and Jessica Biel are starring opposite Gerard Butler as soccer moms to his coaching role in the comedy Playing the Field, reports Variety.

Directed by Gabriele Muccino (Seven Pounds, The Pursuit of Happyness), the film tells the story of a former pro soccer player (Butler) who must fend off the romantic advances of soccer moms while attempting to get closer to his son by coaching his soccer team.

Biel plays Butler’s ex-wife, and Thurman plays a fellow parent who tries to seduce him. Filming is set to begin in March.

In the meantime, Thurman will be featured in the comedy Ceremony on April 8. Biel is awaiting a release date for the romantic comedy Nailed with Jake Gyllenhaal. She is currently shooting New Year’s Eve with large cast that includes Ashton Kutcher and Sarah Jessica Parker, which will be released on December 9th.