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UN says Japan travel is safe

UN World Tourism Organization says Japanese airports and ports are safe.

According to a recent statement from the United Nations World Tourism Organization, there is no reason to avoid travel to Japan since radiation levels at the country’s airports and ports are safe, reports the Channel News Asia.

“Radiation monitoring around airports and seaports in Japan continues to confirm that levels remain well within safe limits from a health perspective," said the statement.

"In addition, monitoring of passengers, crew and cargo from Japan carried out to date in other countries, in accordance with their national policy, does not suggest any health or safety risk."

Travel to Japan is down 50 percent from the same time last year. On April 12, the severity level of nuclear disaster, in a restricted area closed to all persons, was raised to a maximum of 7 – on par with Chernobyl.

The March 11 disaster with a domino effect of earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear facility meltdown, has killed 13,456 people, and another 14,851 are still missing.