
Vegetarian diet helps protect against diverticulitis

Vegetarians are less likely to suffer from diverticulitis.

Vegetarians are less likely to suffer from diverticulitis because their diet is high in dietary fiber, reports Passeport Santé.

Diverticulitis is the inflammation of small pockets – diverticula – lining the colon and intestines. Symptoms can include abdominal pain, bloating, constipation or diarrhea. In the worst cases, it can also cause bleeding and peritonitis.

According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, U.K. researchers at the University of Oxford tracked 47,033 people for 11½ years. One third were vegetarian, the rest were omnivores, including meat.

Vegetarians had 31 percent less risk of developing the disease. However, omnivores who ate a lot of fiber also had a lower risk.

Researchers emphasized additional research is still necessary before dietary recommendations could be applied.


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