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Victoria Beckham In Men’s Fashion

Victoria Beckham wants to dress men.

Beckham would like to go into men’s fashion and announced her plans to launch a new jeans collection, reported FemaleFirst.
The former Spice Girl admitted that she has a weakness for men wearing jeans and would like to design her own.
She is inspired by her husband, David Beckham. "I think guys should wear jeans big and baggy, with a big pair of boots or flip-flops – exactly how you see David when he’s out in his jeans and T-shirt," explained the star.
She added, "Do not pull them up tight and have your bulge showing. Let it hang! I didn’t want anything too tight around the crotch. That really repulses me. It might be fashionable, but you are not going to get that from (Beckham’s line) dVb."