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View a digital version of every single SNES manual online

If you’re looking to do some light reading about Brell Hull Hockey ’95 or Secrets of Mana, you can now view every single western SNES game manual online, thanks to a team of internet archivists. We did! The last one! The final English SNES Manual! A Scan for “90 Minutes European Prime Goal” has been provided to […]

If you’re looking to do some light reading about Brell Hull Hockey ’95 or Secrets of Mana, you can now view every single western SNES game manual online, thanks to a team of internet archivists.

The site is no small feat, with scans of 724 different manuals, all listed alphabetically. The team is still looking for all the add-on maps and other in-game pack-in items from the Super Nintendo’s lifecycle, but for now, having all the game manuals is worth noting.

Find the manual for your favourite SNES game here. If you’re now feeling the itch to play some SNES games, you can find out how to get them on your Switch here.

Source: SNES Manual Archive Via: Kotaku