
Vince Vaughn: Legalize drugs

Vince Vaughn thinks drugs should be legalized and experimenting with narcotics is part of growing up.

Vince Vaughn thinks it is ”insane” that drugs are illegal.

The ‘Wedding Crashers’ star insists the world is in a ”f***ing ridiculous” place because of the black market narcotic industry and doesn’t believe everyone who uses illicit substances is ”dangerous”.

He said: ”I look at the drug wars and they are absolutely f***ing ridiculous. There is a black market and the prisons are overcrowded and it’s not preventing drug use.

”There’s a corruption that goes all the way to the top.

”[Would I decriminalize drugs?] Yes of course. It’s insane. I’m not saying that drugs can’t be dangerous but not everyone that does drugs is going to go out and hurt somebody.”

The 45-year-old actor believes ”experimenting” with drugs is just a part of growing up.

Speaking about the early days of his career, he told Britain’s GQ magazine: ”I enjoy a few drinks and there was a stage back there where I realized I was going out and drinking until 2am five nights a week, but you grow out of that stuff.

”Just like experimenting with drugs, it’s part of growing up, a choice that everyone has to make or not make. You realize what works or what doesn’t work.”