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Violent fight breaks out at Padres game

A fan pushed a man down a flight of stairs during a game between the San Diego Padres and the San Francisco Giants, leading to a wild fight.

It’s understandable for a Padres fan to be frustrated with his club, which lost 1-0 on Monday night, but this is not the way to go about it… especially since the Padres are having a great campaign.

This rumble occurred in right field, where several men got into a wild fight.

Specifically, we’re talking about four guys involved after a Padres fan kicked a Giants fan!

Fans got violent…fast.

Posted by TMZ on Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Upon seeing the scene, two more individuals got into the fight, where a ton of punches were delivered before security officers stepped in to stop them!

In the end, the police were not contacted as the officers handled it well, getting two opponents out of the stadium.