
Walnuts help reduce effects of stress

Study highlights benefits of walnuts in diet.

Known for reducing levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, nuts may also help you cope with stress by lowering your blood pressure.

The Journal of the American College of Nutrition reveals a new study that shows people with high levels of bad cholesterol actually had lower blood pressure in stressful situations when they ate a diet rich in walnuts during the previous three weeks.
After the addition of nuts to their diet, participants were asked to give a speech of three minutes or immerse their feet in cold water, two stress triggers. Of the three test groups, one with no nuts, one who ate walnuts and walnut oil, and a third who ate walnuts and flaxseed oil, the walnut group showed the most marked effects.
Adding flaxseed oil to the diet did not affect blood pressure, but it did help create an anti-inflammatory effect in the arteries, which could reduce the risk of heart disease.
Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in walnuts, are known to help lower the risk of heart disease.