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Was Trump’s campaign really hacked by Iran?

Donald Trump’s campaign recently revealed that it was the target of a major cyberattack, attributed to Iranian agents, according to him. Internal communications from the former president’s election campaign, including a detailed dossier on J.D. Vance, his running mate, were compromised.

But how could this happen?

Was Trump’s campaign really hacked by Iran?

The Microsoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC) confirmed that an Iranian group, allegedly linked to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, had targeted a US presidential campaign in June via a spear phishing attack.

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Although MTAC did not specifically name the Trump campaign in the June announcement, the latter claimed to be the target of this attack.

Politico and the Washington Post said they had received hacked communications from the Trump campaign, including internal checks related to his running mate, after receiving emails from an anonymous source calling himself Robert, but not much was actually released.

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Iran’s spokesman to the United Nations denied any Iranian involvement in the hacking activities, claiming that the Iranian government is not seeking to influence the US presidential election and has no intention of doing so.

So, what really happened?