
What did investigators find at Michael Jackson’s house?

Skin whitening cream was among medications and drugs found at Michael Jackson’s house.

According to the, the contents of search warrants have been revealed for the first time since Michael Jackson’s death last June.

Among the items catalogued in his home were 39 tubes of skin whitener. Jackson could have used this to treat his vitiligo, a disease that causes depigmentation of the skin.

Detectives also found Propofol which is what caused the King of Pop’s death at age 50.

The list of products was compiled as part of the investigation into Jackson’s personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray. He has pleaded not guilty to involuntary homicide charges against him.

It was recently reported that the security guard who called 911 on the day of Jackson’s death saw some troubling things in the singer’s house. He told police that Dr. Murray stopped giving life-saving CPR to the singer in order to hide drug bottles before the authorities arrived.

Alberto Alvarez also says Murray ordered him to remove a syringe containing a white substance from Jackson’s leg.

Even after the singer had died, Dr. Murray told Alvarez he had to return to the pop star’s house to gather up some things so no one would find them.

Alvarez came forward with these allegations two months after Michael Jackson died.