Mobile Syrup

What it was like at WWDC 2022

WWDC 2022 was Apple’s first in-person event since the pandemic began and you could feel the energy on the ground.

Apple employees, press, social media stars and developers alike were all buzzing with excitement, and I got lucky enough to join them this year as we all learned about the new Apple software updates in store for the fall and a new MacBook Air.

Since it was my first time at Apple Park, I decided to test out my vlogging skills and try to capture as much of the experience as possible from my iPhone 13 pro (it only seemed fitting.) If you’ve ever been interested in what it’s like at WWDC, this video is for you.

I also shot 30 images during the video to test the iPhone’s camera. But to keep things interesting, I decided to implement some rules. To try make sure I was using my iPhone to its full potential, I aimed to take one photo using each lens and each photographic style. This totaled 30 photos and pushed me to take some fun and creative shots.

If you’re keeping score, all the lenses are — macro, wide, ultra-wide, zoom, primary and selfie. The Photographic styles are — standard, vibrant, rich contrast, cool and warm. Plus, I also included five RAW images that I edited myself. I’ve added some of my favourites below.

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During the photo challenge, I learned that as a photographer, I need to work harder to soot more ultrawide photos. This is weird because I love ultra-wide video, but I don’t feel as inclined to use it in my styles of photography. Instead, I favour the zoom and standard lenses. However, being forced to shoot with the lines that I don’t often use was fun. I’ll also mention that since WWDC, I’ve pretty much only shot in either Vibrant or RAW. There are defiantly circumstances where I like the Warm tones or Rich Contrast, but every time I would shoot something with all the profiles, the Vibrant photo was always my favourite.

In the end, I’ll conclude by saying that my experience at WWDC was an absolute blast. Being shoulder to shoulder with some of my tech press/YouTuber icons and making new nerdy friends was incredibly fun. But doing it all while covering the news and shooting videos myself was a dream come true.