
What’s a reasonable wait between two pregnancies?

Parents need to decide how long they want to wait before having another child.

Each family is different and it is for each set of parents to decide how long they want to wait before having a second child. However, there are still some things to take into consideration.


In principle, a woman’s body gets back to normal quickly after childbirth. The uterus returns to its normal size in just a few weeks and ovulation may be possible after only a month.


However, if you had a big baby, you may need to wait until the pelvic muscles and any urinary issues recover. If you had a caesarean, doctors recommend waiting a year to ensure that the scar has solidified. If you experienced complications such as diabetes, you must wait until your body gets better.


Pregnancies that happen too close together raise the risk of having a baby that is premature, has low birth weight or even stunted growth.


This is because the mother has not had sufficient time to recover. If she suffers from anemia, a common affliction after giving birth,  she could become completely worn out by a second pregnancy that comes too soon on the heels of a first.


On the other hand, if a woman waits more than six years, this increases the risk of miscarriage or stillbirth. In fact, the mother has a kind of protection  after childbirth that eventually fades. After six years, this protection is absent and the mother is left facing the same hazards as a first pregnancy.


Experts insist that parents need to make this decision, and that they should not hesitate to consult a doctor for advice.