
Whitney shocks her fans

Singer Whitney Houston gives fans a disappointing show Down Under. reports that angry fans walked out of a Whitney Houston concert last night (February 22). They said she forgot the words to songs and appeared out of it.
Fans at Houston’s concert in Brisbane, Australia were shocked to find the singer "breathless and exhausted." Sources said the singer had to take a break after only two songs.
The 46-year old singer could not reach the high notes in some songs, including the popular I Will Always Love You. She was also coughing a lot while singing.
Houston also took long breaks to freshen up and retouch her make-up. Her brother, Gary, came on stage to sing during these breaks.
TV reporters got an earful from fans that left the show. One fan said, "Houston, we have a problem. You can’t sing, you forgot the words and you were the worst act we’ve ever seen."
Another fan added, "That was the worst concert I’ve been to in my life. What a waste of money."
Houston’s tour manager, Andrew McManus, issued a written statement questioning why fans were being so critical. He asked why Australians could not support someone "who has seen difficult times."
The Australian leg of the tour continues on to Sydney, Hunter Valley, Melbourne and Adelaide.