Lifestyle News

Why do we love going apple picking so much?

The pandemic created a new tradition, that of picking different fruits and vegetables, depending on the season. These activities may seem trivial, but they bring us back to the essential, communion with nature.

Here’s why we’ll keep going, even if the pandemic ends!

Maria Lindsey / Pexels

Because it’s delicious. Indeed, nothing tastes as good as freshly picked fruits and vegetables.

Zen Chun / Pexels

Because our kids learn so much through this activity, where food comes from, respect for nature… and motor skills… the learning in nature is endless!

Grape Things / Pexels

Because it allows us to connect with nature. The fresh air, the landscapes, the plants, all the elements are gathered for a connection with our environment. This moment of connection allows us to live fully in the present moment and forget the sources of stress, the time of a breath.

Hilal Bulbul / Pexels

Because then we can cook as a family!

Cooking is also a wonderful family activity that allows us to strengthen our family ties, learn and have fun! All while creating a bit of a mess, of course!

Zen Chun / Pexels

Because by picking these foods themselves, our kids are motivated to taste and eat them!

It’s magical, we don’t even have to hide the fruits and vegetables in soups!

Will you be going to the pumpkins this fall?