
Why women age more quickly than men

Biology causes women to look older than men of the same age.

There are biological reasons why a woman will often look older than a man of the same age, reports MedicMagic.

One major factor affecting the appearance of age has to do with the structure of male skin versus female skin. Men have more sweat glands than women, and more blood vessels around the mouth. The sweat glands help carry moisturizing oils to the skin, and the additional blood vessels help give men a more youthful glow.

In women, the muscles of the face are closer to the surface, which helps to pull the skin taut, but also causes it to wrinkle sooner than it does in men.

The onset of menopause also makes women age more rapidly. As estrogen levels begin to drop, so too does blood flow to the skin. With less estrogen, a woman’s skin is also more prone to wrinkles.

As women age, they begin to lose bone mass. Along with making women more prone to serious injury, this decreased bone mass can cause the face to look older as the jaw bone begins to shrink.

Women wishing to keep their skin looking youthful are advised to avoid smoking and direct sunlight, to use moisturizer on a regular basis, and to drink plenty of water in order to keep skin hydrated.