Musique to produce next U2 album

Irish quartet ask Black Eyed Peas frontman to produce their next album.

Once you realize that, one of the best dance song producers on the planet opened several shows for U2 this year with his band, Black Eyed Peas, it should come as no surprise that U2 should approach the musician for input on their next album.

A huge admirer of Bono, the artist had the chance to interact with U2 during their time on tour together.

"Just being in the entourage of Bono and these guys are inspiring,” said “This is how a government should be. I say that Bono should be the president of the world. I try to help make good things to help the world, but Bono is a whole other level. It’s as if I had a car and himself, a space ship. "

"There’s only one type of music and that’s good music, no matter what genre it is. Bono is one of those guys who sees it that way and there’s no right or wrong. There are no rules once you lift the veil off,” he said.

The official start date of this collaboration is unknown, but Bono and had the opportunity to present a few preliminary songs to celebrity friends and the feedback was positive.

“I went to Bono’s house for lunch and George Clooney and Cindy Crawford were there. I played some of the songs we’d been working on together and everyone was blown away. They all left the finger food to come and hear.”