
William Shatner admits interest in Star Trek role

William Shatner – who played Captain Kirk in the original TV series – has acknowledged his interest in appearing in the new movie.

William Shatner is interested in appearing in the new ‘Star Trek’ movie.

The 83-year-old actor – who gained international fame by appearing as Captain James T Kirk in the ‘Star Trek’ TV series in the 1960s – has been linked with a role in the film in recent weeks, but until now has always denied such suggestions.

However, speaking at an appearance at the Wizard World Nashville Comic-Con, Shatner admitted producer JJ Abrams had been in touch with him.

Asked if he would be interested in appearing in the next film, Shatner explained: ”Oh, yeah. If it is meaningful.”

The actor added he’s been sworn to secrecy on the matter, also saying his proposed appearance alongside Leonard Nimoy as Spock would create some logistical issues.

Shatner said: ”So I get back from Australia, and it is all over the internet that the director held an interview and said they wanted Shatner and Nimoy to be in the next movie.

”I bet JJ [Abrams] is frothing at the mouth.”

He added: ”How do you get me fifty years later into the movie?

”I know it’s science fiction, but even I couldn’t come up with an idea.”