
Woman jailed for loud sex

Gemma Wale, 23, has been jailed for having outrageously loud sex at 5am.

A woman has been jailed for having outrageously loud sex at 5am.

Gemma Wale, 23, is set to spend two weeks in jail after breaching an ASBO, when she was heard by her neighbours romping in the early hours of the morning.

Ghazala Bibi, 40, complained about the news, telling the court: ”Gemma started screaming and shouting whilst having sex, which woke us up. This lasted ten minutes.”

Meanwhile, Judge Kelly said: ”I am satisfied that during the course of the early hours of January 29, 2015, at around 5am, the defendant was guilty of screaming and shouting whilst having sex at a level of noise which caused nuisance or annoyance to (a neighbour).”