
Women cannot freeze their eggs in France

France still bans the process of vitrification.

Vitrification is the freezing of human eggs. This method is legal in countries like Canada, Japan, Germany, Spain, Italy and Belgium but France still refuses to allow it.

Doctors with a group called AMP, Assistance médicale à la procréation (ART, Assisted Reproductive Technology), wish this technique could be used in France.

The process of freezing eggs has been used largely by women suffering from cancer. Chemotherapy treatment can render a woman infertile. This technique allows a woman to try to become a mother post-recovery.

In 1940, France allowed men to freeze their sperm. It did not permit the freezing of embryos until the mid-1980s.

Vitrification could help avoid custody issues if a couple separates. Embryos developed from eggs belong to both the future father and mother and are more difficult to claim by just one.