
Women’s Perpetual Beauty

Over the course of time, women have had a tendency to become more and more beautiful.

Now there is more reason for women to smile. Scientists have discovered that over the course of evolution, women have become more beautiful while men have not deviated much from their caveman ancestry.

The Sunday Times reported a series of studies concluding that beautiful women have more children that their less beautiful counterparts, and female offspring from the beautiful tended to be more attractive and resemble their mothers.

The studies examined physical attraction and the link between beauty and successful human reproduction. Among the beautiful women, up to 16% had more children than the others and give birth to more girls. Data was collected from 1 244 women and 997 men who were observed over four decades. 

The results demonstrated that in men, beauty was not criteria for human reproduction, since handsome men did not prove to have more children than the others. Therefore, men have not been subjected to the same types of pressure as women in terms of looks.