
Woody Allen Overwhelmed by Scarlett Johansson

Director Woody Allen considers Scarlett Johansson to have a very sexual energy.

According to Femalefirst, Allen reveals that he finds himself intimidated while in the presence of the beautiful 21 year-old actress.  The director added that he finds it hard to concentrate in her company. 

Woody Allen, 70, explained, "It’s very hard to be extra witty around a sexually overwhelming, beautiful young woman who is wittier than you are.  Anytime I say anything amusing, Scarlett tops me."

Johansson describes their banter as an updated version of the routine between Marilyn Monroe and Billy Wilder.  The director and the actress struck up the friendship while on the set of the film Match Point, where they teased eachother endlessly.  The young actress was suprised to find that Allen was, "actually very sweet and thoughtful and romantic, in his own strange way".