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Your iPad can help you control your fear of flying

Applications on the popular gizmo tackle the fear of flying.

Whether you have an iPod Touch, iPhone or the brand new iPad, there are now some applications available to help you overcome your stress and fear of flying.

These machines, which can only be opened at altitudes over 10,000 feet, can generally receive all sorts of applications. A company called Mental Workout did not miss the opportunity to develop one to help nervous passengers manage the sometimes overwhelming stress that strikes when flying high in the sky and passing through some turbulence.

The Flying Without Fear application, developed jointly with Virgin Airlines, offers a condensed version of the Fear of Flying course already available at Virgin. It uses video as well as audio and has a section of frequently asked questions which are geared to help you understand what happens in your head to cause the fright. There’s an explanation of what turbulence is and even what happens if both engines shut down. The application costs $4.99 and is sold on the Apple iTunes Store.

Another application that can help you with your fear of flying is Get Rid of Your Fear of Flying with Prof. McMurphy Subliminal Techniques. The application asks you simply to focus on the centre of your screen while it displays all kinds of images using techniques that combine the binaural and subliminal. The application has a free LITE version and another, more complete version that sells for $2.99.

Stay tuned as more and more applications are added to Apple’s online store.