
Yves Rocher Goes Green

Yves Rocher will be eliminating their plastic bags with reusable bags starting in June.

Yves Rocher decided to use environmentally friendly bags since 60% of plastic bags are not recyclable, nor biodegradable.

The director of Yves Rocher in North America explained that the stores have had reusable bags, but from now on, clients will be making the right choices for the environment.

The new bags will be available in two sizes.  The smaller bag will cost 50 cents and the larger bag will be 95 cents.  Duval explained that the goal is not to make money, but to think of the environment.

Yves Rocher will be keeping their paper bags which are 100% biodegradable.  They are manufactured in North America from recycled items.  However, the use of these bags will be limited.