
Zoe Saldana slams D and G boycott

Zoe Saldana insists she won’t be joining in with a boycott of Dolce and Gabbana and thinks the designers remarks may have got lost in translation.

Zoe Saldana has branded the boycott of Dolce and Gabbana ”stupid”.

The ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ actress insisted she won’t be following in the footsteps of stars including Sir Elton John, Ricky Martin and Courtney Love in refusing to wear clothing by the designers in protest at their recent remarks opposing gay adoption and branding children conceived via fertility treatment ”synthetic”.

She said: ”That would be the stupidest thing if it affected my fashion choice.

”People are allowed to have their own opinion; however, I wouldn’t have chosen to be so public about something that’s such a personal thing.”

The 36-year-old actress – who has twin sons Bowie and Cy, five months, with husband Marco Perego – believes part of the controversy stems from the designers’ comments not translating well from Italian to English.

She told E! News: ”My husband is from Italy, and if I judged him based on the words that he misuses in our English language he wouldn’t be here today.

”It’s like, look people, have a drink, relax, it’s OK.”

And after the designers apologised last week, Zoe believes the outcry should now die down and let the matter drop.

She added: ”Obviously it caused some sensitivity, but then again if you continue to follow the news, you see they all kinda hugged it out, so why are we making a big deal about it?.

”I’m certainly not going to stop wearing Dolce, and I’m certainly not going to be refuting when they are adopting synthetic children, however they wanted to say it. I do think things are lost in translation.”

Dolce and Gabbana’s initial comments appeared in Italian magazine Panorama, in which they were quoted as saying: ”We oppose gay adoptions. The only family is the traditional one.

”No chemical offsprings and rented uterus: life has a natural flow, there are things that should not be changed.”