
Zooey Deschanel to feature on M. Ward’s new album

Zooey Deschanel is set to feature on M.Ward’s next album, ‘A Wasteland Companion’.

Zooey Deschanel is set to feature on M. Ward’s next album.

The singer-and-actress will lend her vocal talents to her She And Him bandmate’s sixth solo record ‘A Wasteland Companion’, which was recorded with 18 different musicians in eight studios across the UK and the US.

M has described his forthcoming album – which will also feature a number of top stars including Bright Eyes’ Mike Mogis and Sonic Youth’s Steve Shelley – as a "music travelogue" after he gained inspiration for the record from various trips around the world.

He told MOJO magazine: "Between now and when I made ‘Hold Time’ there has been a lot of travelling which requires a lot of reckoning with what to leave behind and what to carry – material and otherwise – and thinking about what I want versus what I need, creatively and otherwise.

"I wanted to get a reflection of that on the album. It was a process of stripping away my security blanket, which is the same four walls I always record in."

Zooey appears in a number of songs with M on the soundtrack for Disney’s 2011 release of ‘Winnie The Pooh’.

She recently teamed up with her longtime actor friend Joseph Gordon-Levitt – who she starred alongside in 2009 movie ‘500 Days of Summer’ – to record a New Year’s Eve song together.

The pair posted a video of Nancy Wilson tune ‘What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?’ on video-sharing website YouTube.